

第三部分 建国后第一所女子大学(1984—2003)
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第三部分 建国后第一所女子大学(1984—2003)

The year 1978 witnessed the important change of bringing order out of chaos in modern history. At the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh National Conference of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, a new and critical decision had been made by the central governmental to start working on the strategic transfer. Under guidance of the new strategic thinking of “Taking Economic Construction as Center," which was deeply engraved in people’s minds at the time, work in all fields of life started to gradually progress on the right track. Deng Xiaoping pointed out with great foresight that "science and technology, as well as education, must be stressed in the development of productivity," which instilled great vitality into education reform. In 1984, the central government announced the Decision on the Reform of the Economic System, which was to be implementated in all walks of life. In the field of higher education, the proposed approach was to break through the unified state owned education system and to implement education in all levels and forms. This led to a new round of attempt to establish changes in private education, and generated favorable conditions for their growth.

■ 质量立校 升格本科

■ 建设校园 立足高新

■ “南巡讲话” 突破徘徊

■ 改革开放 名校重现